14 List of German Last Names(Surnames) + Meanings

3 min readJan 14, 2024


Delving into the intricate details of German last names reveals a captivating journey through history, culture, and heritage. From the well-known to the obscure, each surname carries a unique meaning that reflects the stories of generations past. In this exploration, we uncover the essence of the “List of German Last Names(Surnames) + Meanings” and unravel the threads that connect us to our ancestry.

14 List of German Last Names(Surnames) + Meanings


List of German Last Names(Surnames) + Meanings

Embark on a curated journey through a compilation of German last names, each accompanied by its profound meaning.

1. Müller: The Miller’s Legacy

The surname “Müller” signifies a family’s connection to the age-old profession of milling, symbolizing endurance, resourcefulness, and sustenance.

2. Schmidt: The Smith’s Lineage

Delve into the world of “Schmidt,” echoing the ancestral sounds of blacksmiths. This name reflects resilience, craftsmanship, and the forging of enduring familial bonds.

3. Becker: The Baker’s Tradition

Uncover the warmth and tradition associated with the name “Becker.” Originating from bakers, this surname embodies the artistry of nourishing both body and soul.

4. Keller: Guardians of the Cellar

Explore the hidden depths of “Keller,” a name linked to those who safeguarded cellars. This surname signifies stability, protection, and the preservation of family treasures.

5. Wagner: The Wagon Maker’s Craft

Journey through the legacy of “Wagner,” synonymous with wagon makers. This surname celebrates the ingenuity, adaptability, and interconnectedness of family ties.

6. Fischer: Navigators of Waters

Dive into the maritime heritage encapsulated in the name “Fischer.” This surname represents the resilience and navigation skills associated with families linked to waters and fishing.

7. Schneider: The Tailor’s Legacy

Meaning: Reflecting the skilled artistry of tailoring, “Schneider” signifies precision, creativity, and a commitment to craftsmanship.

8. Hoffmann: The Steward of the Court

Meaning: Originating from “Hof” (court), Hoffmann denotes a historical role as a steward or overseer, symbolizing responsibility and trust.

9. Weber: The Weaver’s Craft

Meaning: Woven into the fabric of this name is the tradition of weaving. “Weber” represents the meticulous work of those engaged in the textile industry.

10. Schröder: The Defender of the Castle

Meaning: Rooted in the word “Schroten” (to defend), Schröder signifies the role of a defender or protector, embodying strength and resilience.

11. Lehmann: The Landowner’s Heritage

Meaning: Deriving from “Lehen” (land), Lehmann speaks of a familial connection to landownership, embodying stewardship and a deep bond with the earth.

12. Meier: The Administrator’s Lineage

Meaning: Originating from “Maier” (administrator), Meier signifies a historical role as an administrator or overseer, reflecting organizational skills and leadership.

13. Huber: The Farmer’s Legacy

Meaning: Rooted in the word “Hube” (farm), Huber celebrates the agricultural heritage of farmers, symbolizing hard work, fertility, and abundance.

14. Becker: The Baker’s Tradition

Meaning: As mentioned earlier, “Becker” embodies the tradition of baking, signifying warmth, nourishment, and the artistry of culinary craftsmanship.

15. Fuchs: The Fox’s Cunning

Meaning: Derived from the German word for fox, “Fuchs” signifies cleverness, adaptability, and a touch of cunning intelligence.

